We brought the kids to the house this weekend and we were actually able to walk in the front door

and take a tour of what will be our first floor. It was strange walking through the wooden skeleton of what is going to be our home. Tom explained what all the rooms were (living room, kitchen, family room, powder room, den). It was really cool. The kids were really excited, and J kept repeating the name of what ever room we stood in. (Wibbing woom, kiiitchen, famwee woom, power woom, den).
Suddenly, he got very serious, pointed up and chanted, "Missing sumping! Missing sumping!"
"What's missing?" we asked.
"Roof! Roof missing. Find it!!!!" He exclaimed.
Sure enough, with nothing but blue sky above us, we were, in fact, missing sumping.
My apologies if this is nothing more than a symphony of lumber, but here are a few pictures.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my roof.
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